Building Trust: Charlie needs a friend Part III

Where we left off…
After Losing Sonia Charlie needed a friend. We were lucky to find two senior OTTB (off-track Thoroughbred) horses to rescue and bring home (see Charlie Needs a Friend Part I). I hoped they’d soon accept our farm down the long lane as their new home. It takes time to build trust and many things can go wrong after adopting two hot-blooded horses. They could try to run away.

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Burr Oak tree with leaves covered in snow

A record five inch snow falls in Leaf River on Halloween

It’s Halloween, and it’s snowing for the second time this week and this time, it’s easily five inches. I’m not complaining. I know Denver has already had feet of snow and bit of shoveling is certainly better than all the fires the folks are having to deal with in California, but I do feel bad for the Leaf River kids trick-or-treating in the windy twenty-degree weather tonight.

After our rainy summer and a busy harvest season, I’m mentally ready for winter…but our farm is not.

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Starting Over

I’m redesigning my entire website, refocusing it on what I love to do and to write about: HORSES.

Don’t panic if you’re not a horse person. I’m hoping to find a community of people (or perhaps gather a new one) who just loves horses. You won’t need to know anything about horses to enjoy it. It’s not about “how to” but rather “why I love my life.”
In my future blogs, I’ll be talking about what it takes to care for horses and why the joy I experience is worth all the work.

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